Mady Morrison
Mady and I first met at Laura Seiler’s Teamliebe Festival in 2018, and from that moment on, we’d wanted to collaborate. However, it took until 2023 for our schedules to align. At a wedding that I was photographing, we reconnected, and this time, we didn’t waste a moment. Our studio session at Cicci Photo was a blast, and we explored every nook and cranny, experimenting with various styles and angles. Supported with the wonderful work of the incredible makeup artist Nike Nitz. I’m so stoked about the results from the shoot.
If you’re not familiar with Mady Morrison, she’s a renowned YouTuber and Yoga Instructor. I highly recommend checking out her yoga videos on YouTube. Mady radiates a serene and positive aura, making each mindfulness and wellness journey she guides you through truly exceptional.
Fun Fact: I have a favorite yoga workout by Mady that I incorporate into my routine almost weekly, sometimes even daily. If you’re interested, feel free to give it a try: